TRUSTED BY MORE THAN 5 MILLION MEN: Born at the base of Mt. Tam, CA. Proudly made in the US and B Corp Certified. Loved by millions of men the world over.
NATURALLY DERIVED INGREDIENTS: Shea and Cocoa Butter combine to bring silky smoothness to flyaways and frizz.
SMELL OCEAN FRESH: Mineral salt and citrus extract combine to give you a sunkissed and sea sprayed scent.
THE DREAM TEAM: From daily beard wash and hydrating oil, to moisturizing butter or styling balm, we’ve put together an all-star squad to complete your beard care routine.
TRANSFORM FROM HERMIT TO HERMES: Hydrate your coarse, unruly facial hair using rich beard balm.
Beard Butter for Men: Subtle Sea Salt - Hydrates, Styles, Relieves Itch - Shea Butter & Coconut Oil - 4oz
TRUSTED BY MORE THAN 5 MILLION MEN: Born at the base of Mt. Tam, CA. Proudly made in the US and B Corp Certified. Loved by millions of men the world over.
NATURALLY DERIVED INGREDIENTS: Shea and Cocoa Butter combine to bring silky smoothness to flyaways and frizz.
SMELL OCEAN FRESH: Mineral salt and citrus extract combine to give you a sunkissed and sea sprayed scent.
THE DREAM TEAM: From daily beard wash and hydrating oil, to moisturizing butter or styling balm, we’ve put together an all-star squad to complete your beard care routine.
TRANSFORM FROM HERMIT TO HERMES: Hydrate your coarse, unruly facial hair using rich beard balm.