MADE FOR MEN LIKE YOU: Specially formulated to help reduce the appearance of dark circles and under eye puffiness; leaves skin deeply hydrated and revived; helps promote a youthful-looking appearance
PART OF A 3-STEP REGIMEN: Step 2 in the Skin Revive collection; wash, scrub, and hydrate daily for moisturized and revived skin
ETHICALLY PRODUCED IN THE USA: Originating in San Francisco, crafted sustainably, and produced domestically; recognized by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for cruelty-free practices and ensuring no animal testing has occurred.
NATURALLY-DERIVED INGREDIENTS: High quality, effective plant-based ingredients like Persian Silk Tree Extract, Green Tea, Hyaluronic Acid, Caffeine, and Ceramides; proudly free of parabens, phthalates, harsh chemicals, and dyes;
TREAT YOUR SKIN TYPE: Ideal for normal to dry, tired skin; fragrance-free formula is great for guys with sensitive skin
Every Man Jack Rapid Restoring Eye Cream Twin Pack - Reduces Dark Circles and Puffiness for Normal and Dry Skin - 0.5oz Each
MADE FOR MEN LIKE YOU: Specially formulated to help reduce the appearance of dark circles and under eye puffiness; leaves skin deeply hydrated and revived; helps promote a youthful-looking appearance
PART OF A 3-STEP REGIMEN: Step 2 in the Skin Revive collection; wash, scrub, and hydrate daily for moisturized and revived skin
ETHICALLY PRODUCED IN THE USA: Originating in San Francisco, crafted sustainably, and produced domestically; recognized by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for cruelty-free practices and ensuring no animal testing has occurred.
NATURALLY-DERIVED INGREDIENTS: High quality, effective plant-based ingredients like Persian Silk Tree Extract, Green Tea, Hyaluronic Acid, Caffeine, and Ceramides; proudly free of parabens, phthalates, harsh chemicals, and dyes;
TREAT YOUR SKIN TYPE: Ideal for normal to dry, tired skin; fragrance-free formula is great for guys with sensitive skin